The directions that we were instructed to follow for the sound project was to Brainstorm a 1-2 minute school-appropriate scene with action that occurs within this time frame. Avoid scenes involving getting ready for school/work, cooking, or robbery. Identify the sounds present in the scene and consider if the plot could be conveyed using only sound. Choose a scene for your project and create a detailed outline that explains how you will use sound to tell the story. You are allowed only seven words in the scene.
Submit your outline to Canvas under "Soundscape Planning Outline." Using sound effects databases and everyday items, create an audio recording that tells the story. No video is allowed; only a black screen or still image can be used. The scene must be 1-2 minutes long. Create at least four sound effects using random objects on a "foley stage" (no digitized audio or sounds made with your mouth). Record and edit a video showing how you created these four sounds. Submit three files: A complete sound file of the scene, labeled with group members' last names. Lastly a video showing the creation of the four foley sounds, labeled similarly. 1-3 images of your editing timeline showing the full audio layers.
The way me and my partner approached the brainstorming of the project was to think about places that had a lot of distinctive sounds, with that we thought about doing the sound project about the zoo. As we knew what we wanted to do, me and my partner started to look at videos of zoo tours and closely paying attention to the background sounds of the videos so we can create a similar environment in our project. The outline that we created when we were brainstorming helped us greatly as the outline gave us a rule of thumb of what to do and it helped us not going off track while editing the project. The editing software we used to create our project was Adobe Premier Pro. Reason for why I used it is because I really enjoy using Adobes software's and its was also made free because of our school district paying for it. One thing that I would like to improve would be being able to know how to share the project in a better way as I had to record the audio of the project on my phone and had to send the video of me recording the audio to my partner.
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