Sunday, February 23, 2025

Character development

(List of names from 1940s)
     Many ideas popped up when I was trying to come up for a name for the protagonist. I was mainly trying to come up with a name that sounded cool in order to match his character. Like I'm not gonna name the protagonist Gerrald. I started to look at lists of names and boom Ace popped up. Shortly after I thought of the name "Ace" I realized Ace doesn't suit the times of the 1940s/50s. So I decided with the name James Howard.     

    As for the dead Body, he doesn't have a huge impact in the opening minutes of the film but he holds a lot of mystery towards him as a character. As for that I think Norman Walker sounds pretty mysteriorius  

     For the serial killer I was lookin through a list of names of that were popular in the 1940s and Bonnie Vanderbilt is perfect. It is classily, powerful, and can be seductive, which perfectly matches her character as she lures her victims with her looks then kills them shortly after.  

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Audio editing

      I will be using various amounts of audio software in order to achieve the desired sound for the film's opening. One of these softw...