Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Costumes for film opening

     The time period where the opening is gonna take place is during the late 1940s/early 1950s in the busy city of New York.   

(Clear representation
of how I want the 
outfit to look)

    After looking at a lot of pictures of what New Yorkers wore, the outfit for the detective is comprised of a suit(dark blue), a fedora, black dress shoes, and obviously a beige trenchcoat. This look will further enhance the time period and the detective vibe. An other look that the detective will have is a PJ look. This will be comprised up of a basic button shirt with pants matching the color. 
(PJ look)



    For the dead body, I want him to be wearing basically the same as the detective but without the trenchcoat and with out the top half of the suit. Essentially for the dead body he would be wearing suit pants a white button shirt, and suspenders. Reason for this is because the dead body just got back from work and was getting unready but got killed during the process.

(The one on the right)

 Lastly for the female serial killer she would be wearing a dress that about knee length with a trench coat over her dress. She would also be wearing basic black heels. Her look is very simple but still manages to bring the 1940s/50s time period. 
(Example of the outfit)

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Audio editing

      I will be using various amounts of audio software in order to achieve the desired sound for the film's opening. One of these softw...