Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group meeting #2

     Today we had our second group meeting of the year. In my group, we each discussed how we were doing on the project, our struggles, and any questions we had. 

(Notes I took)
    The first group member(Saida) started by showing her blog to the rest of the group. She talked about how she filmed and what her film was about. The basic outline of the opening is that a girl goes missing, and a detective is trying to figure out where she could've gone. A thing that she said that shocked me was that she filmed within the airplane, airport, and in some parts of Italy during her trip there. She wanted to know if there were any suggestions that any of us had for her. She later discussed that she is gonna do a musical idea for her CCRs (singing the questions). Lastly, she gave the group a tip to never edit on a phone as she lost all her progress once.   

   The second group member(Vicente) didn't have much to say as he had not filmed any bit of the project. he discussed his concerns about how he is very behind on the blogs. With the blogs that he has posted, he doesn't include any forms of multi-media, so I gave him the suggestion of telling him to start placing photos into his blogs.  Vicente did give a suggestion to a group member on how to place a picture to look more dynamic.

(Other side of the notes)
    The third group member(Emmi) started off by talking about what she was going to do for her CCR(she would get into a car accident and the officers would ask her the CCR questions to see if she is okay and doesn't have a concussion. Emmi also talked about how she's been doing her blogs and asked if her blogs are "bland." Emmi also showed the group what she had filmed for her film opening and talks what it was about. 

   The fourth group member(Gabriel) started of by showing his blog and talking about each blog that he has posted. He showed the group how he incorporated a video in his blog and how his blogs provide proper greetings. He talks about where he is in his film opening and his plot. He asked the group to help him come up with a name for the title. 

    Overall great, fun meeting that we had, and I'm glad I was able to communicate with my classmates about this huge project that we are all doing  

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Planning for CCR#4

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