Friday, February 28, 2025

Production post (purchasing the props needed)

     I found both the fake cigarettes and lighter that will enhance the look of the film in order to make it look more professional. 

(props being purchased)

      Both the lighter and the fake cigarettes should come by Tuesday, March 4th. Once the props are delivered I can start filming with the actors. The vintage lighter is a key part for the film as its a key component in letting the audience know that the film is taking place during the 40's and 50's. 


       Along side with the lighter the "fake" cigarettes will further push the time period to the audience. Since smoking was such a huge activity during the 40s and 50s, having the actors smoke fake cigarettes will reinforce what time period the film is taking place. Also the smoke coming out of the fake cigarette creates a foggy atmosphere which is perfect for film noir. 

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Audio editing

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