Saturday, March 1, 2025

Auditions For Roles

     In order to find the right people for my film opening I want to do an audition. The positions that the actors will be auditioning for is the protagonist (The detective), the dead body in the room, and the antagonist (The women serial killer).             

(Cypress Bay AMT)

    Some of the people that will be auditioning are from Cypress Bay American Musical Theater program. I chose to ask the individuals who are part of the program is due to them having experience in acting which can enhance the film opening making it look more professional. I will be hosting the auditions in the schools auditorium after school.


    One of the things that I will be looking for during the auditions is if they are able to perform different emotions flawsy. A actor with a emotional range can make the film opening seem professional and great. Personally, a film that has great visuals and a great production quality but horrible acting, can degrade the films quality. 


(Trans-Atlantic accent)
    Another important factor that I will be looking for is if the actor can do a trans-alantic accent or sound similar. Reason for why this is an important factor is because while doing my research, looking for inspiration, whenever I viewed a short noir film and the actors didn't have a trans-alantic accent or at least sound similar the film seemed amature and not as good as the other films that had the accent.

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Audio editing

      I will be using various amounts of audio software in order to achieve the desired sound for the film's opening. One of these softw...